My cousin Love of “Lalaine’s World is here in the Philippines. She arrived last November 12 together with her husband and kids. Whenever she visits the Philippines, I am very excited because I always have “pasalubong” from her.
My first pasalubong (as seen on the photo above) is a curry powder and spices from Malaysia. I was curious about the spices (on the left side) because it looks very unique. These gifts are the ingredients for a chicken curry (Indian Style) dish. I am now excited to try this one. I’m sure my husband will love this because he loves spicy foods.
But not only that, she also gave me beauty products as my birthday gift. Wow! She is so thoughtful. My birthday is next week and this is my early birthday gift from her.
Thank you so much Ate Love for being so generous. God bless you always!
You’re welcome!.. hehehe! maulaw man sad ta ky na post mn gyd..hehehe!
Lalaine’s World
From Asia and Beyond
Day to Day Miracles
Trying to be Fit
Not a Shopaholic
Advance Happy Birthday!