"One and Thirty Four"

happy birthday cake
Dharlz celebrated her 34th birthday last March and her food blog, “MORE FOOD ADVENTURES” is already one year old this month so she’s having a contest for this double celebration. The name of the contest is “One and Thirty Four”. She’s giving away delicious foodies for the winners. I invite you to join the contest too! Below are the steps on how to join:

1. Make a post about this contest and add the site More Food Adventures and other blog sites to your bloglist: My Happy Home, Inhale Exhale and Just The Tip of an Iceberg.

2. Go back to THE CONTEST POST and leave your comment with the URL of your post

3. One entry per blog site. Please PLUG UR POST at your FB profile page..(equivalent to 5 points)

4. Adding Mommy Dharlz as friend on FACEBOOK and following all blogs on NetworkedBlogs is also another (1 point ) entry. (please do 1-3 first for this to be considered)

5. Follow Mommy Dharlz on Twitter and it will be another (1 point )entry. (please do 1-4 first for this to be considered.)

6. Subscribe Via Email — refer to my sidebar — and Confirm Subscription , another entry (3 points)

7. Bloggers outside Cagayan de Oro and the Philippines are welcome for as long as they have a Cagayan de Oro City address or you actually give your prize to a relative or friend, or someone who lives in this city.

8. Winners will be drawn through Random.org

9. Contest will commence when this blog turns One Year and Thirty Four Days old, on May 27, 2010.

So what are you waiting for? Join now and enjoy great foodies!

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  1. Bogs, please follow contest mechanics to qualify. thanks

  2. link to THE CONTEST POST is missing..

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