
This week, two parents of my students gave me chocolates. The Hershey’s chocolate was given by a parent who works abroad while the other one was given by a parent who works in a company that distributes Cadbury chocolates here in the Philippines. These chocolates were so yummy, but I only ate little by little because it might trigger my asthma. 🙂 Anyway, I thank God for giving me generous parents. I guess this is part of the blessing of being a teacher.

I’m excited to find out what’s your yummy Sunday post for this week. Please don’t forget to leave your link on MrLinky so that I can visit your post. Please don’t forget to visit other post too.

God bless everyone and have a Yummy Sunday!

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  1. I love cadbury! Check my site my yummy sunday is up.

  2. This looks so yummy though I’m not really into chocolates coz it cause headache to me. That’s part of the reward being a teacher. I missed it too having generous parents showering you with blessings. Mine is up too..I already added my link on Mr. Linky.Happy Sunday!

  3. Thank you for inviting me to share!!

    You have very nice parents! The perks of being a teacher!!!@

  4. i love chocolates!!! whatever brand it may be… since I have such a huge sweet tooth 🙂

    i have a post for yummy sunday as well 😀 tc

  5. ohhhhhhhhh!!! chocolate, not healthy.
    i sometimes eat chocolate. here we have different kinds of chocolate and comes also in different forms. the milk chocolate (white ones) and the real chocolate.

  6. yummy, i like that hershe chocolates, but no nuts please 😉

  7. am not really into chocolates…pero in fairness lami jud ghapon xa!

    oist nagpost ghapon ko maski kapoy na from byahe….na miss nko akong blogging world for three days…here’s mine:

    Happy YS!

  8. For sure the chocolates were good!

  9. huhuhuhuhuh… bawalna chocolates bogs sa ako.PTL your YS is gaining popularity advertise baya jud ko..hehehehe.. leave comment kay jeni kay pwidi na..

  10. murag cadburry ra ako na dawat.where man ako bahin sa hersheys?ha!ha!joke lang!maygani nahatagan pa bhin sa cadburry reklamo pagyud ba?joke2 lang gud.Thanks ha naapil ko bahin

  11. Hello Boogie, sorry kaayu ha! I was sick pagdating namin from Pinas.
    I was thinking to join yesterday, kaya lang I felt dizzy pa.
    I will join next Sunday na.

  12. chocolates… would never say no to it!

  13. i love. just live chocolets the aroma.. around…. and the span with which a little peice breaks off the brick,,,..:)

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