Yummy Sunday 51: Chop Suey

Yummy Sunday is a meme that show cases food shots… any food will do whether you cooked it, your sister did, your hubby did, or even the food you had at a restaurant. There is no theme. So you can post any food at any style you want.

Yummy Sunday opens on Sunday and runs throughout the week. So if you didn’t have time to post your Yummy Sunday entry on Sunday, you still have 6 more days to do so… only it starts again on Sunday.

How to join Yummy Sunday?

Just post a food photo in your blog, grab the Yummy Sunday badge which can also be found at the left sidebar and post it within your Yummy Sunday entry. That’s all. Once you’re done, come to Yummy Sunday link and put your name and URL of your Yummy Sunday entry at Mr. Linky’s.

No hard rules here. We’re here to have fun and make friends.


Chop Suey” is a Chinese dish consisting of meat and different kinds of vegetables. It is mixed with a starched-thickened sauce. The photo above is a Chop Suey dish from Peking Restaurant an Eat-all-You can Restaurant here in Cagayan de Oro City.

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  1. Wow…. Delicious and nutritious!

  2. Miss ko na ang chop suey, di pa ako nagtry magluto nyan, sana merong recipe hehehe.

    Tanks for the visit.. Added this to my kitchen blog list.

  3. I love this yummy food. Delicious…. If you would allow me to choose, I’ll choose chopsuey with many vegies…

  4. I love chopsuey too, thanks for the visit.

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