Yummy Sunday #148: What’s That Dish?

My cousin’s family dined out at Jo’s Chicken Inato here in Cagayan de Oro City. I browsed his photos and I saw this yummy looking dish. I asked him about the name of the dish but he already forgot. Anyway, here’s the picture of the dish and I will just let you help me name it.


Can you give me a name for this dish? Before doing that, link up to Yummy Sunday first and leave your comments. Thank You!

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  1. Yummy! Walang rice? ๐Ÿ™‚ Are those pork or beef?

    Mine is up- hope you can stop by..


  2. im guessing seafood sisig> ๐Ÿ™‚ haha

    Rovie, The Bargain Doll

  3. That looks so nice and healthy to eat mmhmm.

  4. This looks so yummy, too bad I dont know the name of this dish..

  5. My guess is it’s either sisig or sweet-and-sour. Definitely looks YUM ๐Ÿ™‚

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