I love birthday celebrations because its a great time for me to bond with family and friends. Added to that, it’s also a great time to taste a lot of delicious food.
I am so happy because I had lots of birthday invitations because almost all of my relatives are July birthday celebrants. Last Saturday was my uncle’s birthday and since he was our head pastor we gave him a birthday treat during our church’s Sunday service. After the Sunday service, I head on to my niece house to also celebrate her 7th birthday. She had a Hannah Montana theme party and she looks so cute wearing a Hannah Montana wig. Yesterday, my cousin Maris celebrated her 18th birthday and she invited me for a dinner. It was a simple dinner but it was fun because all my cousins were there. How I wish I have a camcorder to capture all these birthday celebrations.
The birthday party invitations isn’t over yet, because today is the birthday of my Aunt Bem and she invited us for dinner. Got to go now!