Every school here in the Philippines celebrates Nutrition Month in the month of July. I find this activity very helpful to little children because it gives them the opportunity to be reminded to eat the right kinds of food. When I was still in high school, I couldn’t forget our cooking contest were all the participants are required to cook a nutritious meal. My classmate was our representative and we were very happy that she won. Her recipe was “Pineapple Chicken with Milk”. After the contest, we all ate the dish she prepared.
Anyway, we also had our Nutrition Month celebration in our school last July 31, 2010. It was a short program for our pre-school kids and we all had fun witnessing their talents in dancing. The kids were also very happy because we had so much fun in the games like the Bring-Me game and the funniest banana eating contest.
It was truly a fun activity for all of us.