Jumping on the Bed

We had a twin size mattress in our home and for six months we lend it to our relatives who stayed with us after the flood due to Typhoon Sendong. It was an old bed but it can still be used just that sometimes it can give you back pains and neck pains especially if you’re on the side that’s already damaged. When we have enough money, hubby and I are planning to replace that old bed with a latex mattress which is also quiet good for me especially in managing my asthma.

One of the best experiences of my little cousins on that old bed was to jump on it. Their mom would often remind them not to keep on jumping because she’s afraid that the bed gets all the more damaged while they were using it. However, kids are kids and I guess every one of us have gone through that experience of jumping and jumping on the bed even if our parents keeps on calling us to stop.

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