Now more than ever, beer lovers are enjoying the variety of flavors and styles that are available on the market. Store shelves are still stocked with commercial standby brands, but craft beer is rapidly becoming popular. There is an increase in craft beer selections in recent years and also an explosion of craft breweries and taprooms being constructed. Part of the draw to craft beer is how wide of a selection there is to enjoy.
India Pale Ales
India Pale Ales, or I.P.A.s, are a standard offering for craft breweries. Tennessee’s own Asgard Brewing Company offers several of these tasty brews. The element that separates I.P.A.s from other styles is the IBU count. The higher the count, the more bitter or hoppy the beer tastes. Most beers with a high IBU count finish with a crisp bite to them that is favored by “hop-heads.” The alcohol content tends to be slightly higher also. There are a plethora of hop varieties to choose from when brewing this type of beer. Brewers strive for the right combination to satisfy a discerning palate.
Belgian Style Beers
This type of beer has a universal appeal. The predominant components of Belgian styles include heavy malts paired with fruity, yeast flavors. It has been said that when a brewer is formulating a Belgian beer, they are concentrating on building an experience for the senses rather than focusing on alcohol content. Many Belgian styles are distinct in taste and go down easy.
The porter style of beer is usually of a darker variety. A favorite ingredient of brewers is a healthy dose of chocolate. Some brewers combine the chocolate taste with hints of raisin, coffee or toffee. The blend of these ingredients will reel in beer lovers who don’t mind a sweet aftertaste when imbibing. The alcohol content of porters resides on the low side, making them perfect choices for an after-meal drink.