A year ago, I bought a spaghetti meal at Kentucky Fried Chicken here in our city. I had a take home order and was excited to try it at home. When I arrived home I was so disappointed because my spaghetti wasn’t palatable anymore. It smells different. My husband just told me to throw it away, since we can’t do anything about it. I told him that I should make a call informing KFC that their spaghetti wasn’t that good anymore. I wasn’t angry at that time, but I was a bit concern to the other people who also bought the spaghetti from that store. So, I called their store informing them about the spaghetti. I wasn’t finished talking to them yet but they already told me that they will just have to replace it. I said, never mind. I just wanted you to know that your spaghetti doesn’t smell good. But they insisted to ask my phone number and my address because they want to replace the spaghetti.  After a few minutes, the delivery boy comes and immediately gave me big plastic bag. I was wondering why a big plastic bag, where I only ordered for one spaghetti. As I open the plastic bag, they gave me 2 packs of spaghetti and 2 packs of fried chicken. Wow!!! Giving feedback really helps.

By the way, the spaghetti and the fried chicken we’re newly cooked so it was so yummy!

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  1. Wow… that’s good!

  2. hi there 🙂 Good they replace your food and added more too!

  3. It’s really good to inform them to be very careful next time…At least they were fast to change your order. kailan jud customer satisfaction.. Chloe loves to eat at KFC

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